Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's been a while...

I'm so sorry for not having anything new for you on the weekend. I did not abandon you, I was not feeling well. I started with the flu, not stomach flu thankfully, and now strepp throat. I'm feeling better, the throat is healing well thanks to the chemist's wisdom so we have antibiotics.

Can you tell I'm feeling better?

On Friday, I wanted to share this lightbulp over my head moment, You need to picture that to understand what I mean. but where I was sick I didn't have a chance to so I will share this with you today.

My oldest daughter was going to a sleepover on Friday night and was going to sleep in sleeping bags. My boys thought that was awesome and wanted to be able to do the same. I, on the other hand, remembered that they've slept in sleeping bags before but wouldn't fall asleep until late and it would be difficult to deal with them next day. Must I explain that I wasn't as excited of the idea as they were? I did tell them I would think about it.

It was Tuesday... :/

I passively thought about it, but more specifically when Jacob, my youngest son, would bring up how he coudln't wait for Friday. Everyone would ask why and he would go on to explain the sleeping bag arrangement. Everytime he brought it up, which was often and daily, my heart would soften to the idea of letting them sleep in the sleeping bags.

Everyday, Jacob brought it up again and again and with such excitement. Then came Thursday night, returning from a creation science presentation, he brought it up again, this time Samuel finally said, "Mom? Are we really going to be able to sleep in the sleeping bags tomorrow night?" I said, "yes". To my surprise, Jacob yelled, "YAY!!!!!!!" I thought he already knew by the way he was talking all week. He's the one who basically talked me into it, just by listening to his excitement of sleeping in sleeping bags, yet here he was even more excited that he REALLY WAS going to be sleeping in those slippery sleeping bags.

Then the Lord spoke to my heart. I'd like to see more faith like that, in you.
I was taken back from that thought yet Hebrews 11:6 says,"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."

You know, when I listened to the Mr. Smith give his presentation of creation vs. evolution, I couldn't help but think how it takes so much more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God, yet if you look around us, the scale leans towards belief in evolution. (I'm probably going to get comments on this one!)

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."

Let me put it to you this way. Would I of rather hear my son say, with disappointment in his voice:

  • "ahhh, mom probably won't let us sleep in the sleeping bags. You know we never can."

Or, with excitement in his voice:

  • "I can't wait 'till Friday when we get to sleep in the sleeping bags!!!"

Which do you think would please me?

That spoke volumes to me. The truth is, my God is Holy, Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipresent, Mighty, The Creator of every living thing and the list goes on. Why wouldn't I have faith in His love for me? Wasn't that proven on the cross? Why wouldn't I have faith in His word, did He not promise to preserve it? (Psalm 12:6,7) Why wouldn't I have faith in His protection, doesn't He answer that in just one of many passages in Matt. 10:28-31? Why shouldn't I have faith in Him? He's proven Himself faithfull time and time again.

Maybe I'm being like Peter again, when he walked on the water. He looked at the waves and became fearful. We shouldn't look at the circumstances around us. He's bigger than all that.

The Lord used Jacob to teach me a valueable lesson, I hope I don't forget it anytime soon. When I remember who God is, it's easy to have faith that He loves me, protects me, guides me, gives me refuge, teaches me, molds me and forgives me.

Oh I love my God!! xo

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