Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 Fold

Today has 2 fold theme. I just couldn't choose which to share so I'll share both thoughts.
I adjusted my running routine a bit. I get such a charge from going running but I was starting to sense the beginning of a plateau. For Christmas, we got a Wii and with it, the Fitness Plus so I started a routine of running on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with strength workouts and a bit of cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also downloaded a podcast from North Valley Baptist Church on the family's foundation and that's what I listened to this morning; what a difference! The podcast lasted 32 minutes but I was so focused on the preaching that the run felt like 10 min. I still worked hard, in fact, I think I ran faster because it started before I started and I was stretching when it was over.
The thought that came to me, concerning my run, when I was doing my devotions, was that when I focused on the things of God; the preaching in the this case, running my race was so much easier. All this even if it was -25 degrees Celsius with the windchill and that the road was covered in snow and it was like running in sand. I chuckled to myself and said, "Isn't that the truth! Why do I constantly forget that?"
The other thing I wanted to share was what the Lord showed me in Proverbs 30:19, "The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea". There was a time that even if one was a pagan, they still admitted to there being a creator. they would look at creation and recognize that a "higher being" created these amazing creatures, what they could do, like an eagle in the air, but now, man (human) has become "intelligent". Science through books and television has taught us "the way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock" etc.
This knowledge, you would think, would bring a fear of the Lord and greater respect for Him but the opposite has happened. We have become a puffed up generation just because "we" have unlocked some mysteries. All that understanding has come from God and yet again we give ourselves the credit. How wicked we have become!
It reminds me of the scripture in 1 Corinthians 3:19 "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God."
Can't you just see God chuckling up there in Heaven, like we do when our kids think they have getting dressed all figured out and are proud of their efforts and success but we chuckle at the sight of backward shirts, the clashing colors and the jam on their face.
Oh how I want to fear the Lord every minute of my day, so God won't find me boastful and proud.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


What a title eh? Isn't that just how we are in this day and age though? We have become so busy yet lazy that we would just like to "click" on things we have to do or would like to have in our life... copy it, then paste it as done!
Just a little meditation there for you... lol Food for thought though.
Why copy/paste for my title is simply because I've been sent a free ebook and some of these chapters, which are very short are also very to the point and convincting. I would like to "copy/paste" a chapter for you since it really spoke to my heart.

Keys to Kingdom Expansion by Marc Carrier
Chapter 1
I would venture to say that for most of us, God’s redemptive plan for humanity is people-centric rather than God-centric. We focus
on salvation and the benefits of having some kind of relationship with the Lord. As a result, we live our lives and design and execute our
ministries with people in mind, rather than God. If we were honest and looked at our hearts, we might even find that our ministries
minister to us. At some level we seek ministry success to satisfy our desire to accomplish a lot for God; however, the aim is misguided
by our insecurities and deep needs, rather than motivated by God’s glory.
The truth is, our holy and righteous God is somewhat ego-centric—and rightfully so. Everything that was and is and ever will be is
for God and His glory. Therefore, our raison d’ĂȘtre in life and ministry is to glorify God, and nothing more.
Through the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan thwarted God’s plan to glorify Himself through His Creation. Satan mocks God, as if
saying, “Look, the humans you created for your glory follow me—all of them listen to me and sin.” This is a complete affront to God.
Therefore, God’s redemptive purposes—bringing our submission and allegiance to our Creator rather than our deceiver—are designed to
restore deserved glory to God, not simply to give us a get-out-of-hell-free card.
The big picture is this: we are in the center of a custody battle. There is a war raging on between God and His foe, Satan, for the
hearts and allegiance of men. We are in the middle of the battle, but we are not the focal point. It’s all about them. As stated earlier, glory
that rightfully belongs to God has been directed toward the devil and his works via our sin.
He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to
destroy the devil's work. (1 John 3:8)
God, through Jesus Christ, has restored glory to its rightful recipient by turning our allegiance to Him and transforming our lives.
Anything less than full allegiance and radical transformation falls short of glorifying God. Yet God deserves our hearts and our
allegiance, and we are blessed when we catch the vision of serving for His glory!
Unfortunately, in the pursuit of God, we often assume that reaching and ministering to the lost is the end, rather than a means to the
end. As a result, we focus on conversion (saving souls) rather than transformation and seek to meet needs rather than invite folks into
Kingdom life. However, I say it again: the end is to bring glory to God. God’s redemptive purposes ultimately point back to Him.
Conversion without transformation seems to rescue some from a fiery end. However, it fails to bring God glory. You can imagine
Satan still mocking God: “The man you created continues to believe my lies and loves the world and sin even though he knows you
suffered and died for that sin.” The untransformed “Christian” is an affront to God. Satan knows full well that an unfruitful “believer”
makes a mockery of the cross, denies the power of the Spirit to change a life, and makes the faith unattractive to outsiders. You can see
why it is so vital that all of our ministry efforts focus on the Lord and His glory, not on us and our plans.
Pursuing works without a Kingdom invitation likewise misses the mark. Do you think government welfare or the wonderful works
the oil rich Muslim nations do throughout the world glorify God? No way! In fact, they steal God’s glory, because the Body of Christ
should be meeting those needs. However, simply meeting a physical need is not “the end.” The goal should be to offer freedom by the
power of the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ—giving living water to quench the underlying thirst, real food to satisfy the soul’s
appetite, and true victory, to give peace that multiplies. We were created for good works, and faith without works is dead. However,
radically transformed people labor for the Kingdom, not for good works alone.
Nothing short of a radically transformed life brings God glory. Changing allegiance from Satan to God, death to life, flesh to the
Spirit, sin to obedience, the world to the Kingdom—that glorifies our Creator! Satan has no recourse. Extreme transformation results in a
passion for God and fellow man that is unquenchable and leads to works of service, in love. The result: a radical departure from the
world and even cultural Christianity that leaves onlookers strangely curious about the God who can change a person so substantially. As
a result of true transformation, the Kingdom expands organically.
How does your life reflect God’s glory? What about your ministry—what fruit is it bearing for God’s glory? Meditate on such

Hope this will motivate you, encourage you to live for Christ on purpose.

Monday, December 28, 2009

What's for you in the New Year?

I am not a person of routine although, I am a person who likes stability and predictability but if you were to describe me, you would have to say, I like moving forward.
It seems that every year or two, the Lord teaches me things in "themes". I know it sounds weird. "Our", the Lord and my, year's end is not necessarily on Dec. 31st and is not exactly 365 days or double that but, it seems, if I look back on the saved part of my life, there are dispensations if you will; very deliberate "chapters" in my life.

I remember specifically learning to a deeper level, His mercy for me. It was a life chapter that was humbling, not necessarily public but I constantly found myself on my knees, face to the floor in humbleness to the Lord; in awe that He would take the time to save a wretched person like me. That "season" or "chapter" is part of the backbone of my faith and walk with Christ Jesus.
Another is, just before Jacob was conceived, I knew the Holy Spirit was telling me that a new chapter in my life was to begin. I thought it was something completely different but a new chapter it was!! It was about "just trust God, stand still and let God move".
I believe the Lord is getting me ready for another new chapter; the next step in my walk with Him. I don't know what it entails but I believe it will be a very trying one. (Like silver, I have a lot of dross to get rid of until I can reflect Jesus better.)
Like other "chapters" had "titles", what is on my heart and is very heavy is having a deeper heartache for lost souls. Just in writing that brings a "gulp" in my throat. In all honesty, I've always had a burden for lost souls but not enough.
I believe this year will be one of learning to balance my life as a wife, mom, teacher and woman in church ministry then adding soul winner.
This is not an admirable thing of me to do. We should all be soul winners, but we learn things in different stages of our life; however, it is the great commission for us to go and tell people about God's love for the world. Sending His Son to die a torturous death for us on a hateful cross, to offer us the gift of salvation. We are to bring people to Christ and help them grow in HIM so they can go and do the same.
I am so inadequate to do this and I'm not sure where to start when it comes to balancing my life to allow me more time to witness, but I know it is God's will that we come to this point and He will give me the strength and knowledge I need.
I pray that you will have a blessed time with friends and family, that your new year will be one that shows growth and a drawing closer to Christ especially.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Go See...

I was listening to a preacher who said something, shedding new light on what had become just a known fact. The shepherds... in their fields, tending to their sheep. It's an ordinary night, cool, dark and lonely. It reminds me of what my life was before I met THE King. These shepherds stood in awe as they saw an angel. What did it look like? I don't know, maybe the sky was lit up but it definatly drew their attention. They afraid, I would be too, maybe thinking "I'm obviously going nuts...", enough so, that the angel had to tell them not to be afraid. The part that really ministered to me was when the preacher said, "the shepherds wanted a Saviour, a King, they needed a purpose so they went to see the babe, the Saviour who was born. They left where they were and met Jesus." Like the shepherds, we need to leave where we are in life and go, go meet the Saviour who was born that we might be born again.
Well, I've met the Saviour. After receiving His free gift of Salvation, He washed me up (from my sin), gave me purpose and a new life. Maybe that's the same for you, then what the preacher said would make you say amen, then think of your unsaved loved ones and friends.
You know, this still applies to us, His children. You've heard things like, "leave Jesus at the wheel of your life" or "God didn't move, you did" etc. When life seems to get dry, lonely and cool, we need to go back to meet the Saviour. He's still where He was, waiting for us to come meet with Him again.
The Spirit really drew that little message, home for me.
Have you ever visited someone that you just didn't want to have to leave? That's how it should be with us. To be constantly in God's presence. How life distracts us at times and steals that personal intimacy we have with THE Creator, our God and Saviour.
Meeting the Saviour was and is the best thing in this life.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Snack on this thought

Ever wonder why we sin? Why, after being tempted with something, we make the choice to sin? Why do we harden our necks and go through with it?
Sometimes, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of sin and want to run for our lives but most of the time, we choose to do it. Why?
Proverbs 16:6 says, "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD [men] depart from evil."
Our problem is that we don't fear the Lord at that particular moment.
Now, I'm not talking about the kind of fear that a child has toward an abusive parent, for example, but the kind of fear that sits in your knowledge, and understanding that God is all mighty, powerful and able to give but also take away. A reverence for who He is. That kind of fear.
Colossians 3:16 comes to mind, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

If we continually focus on praising God, we will have a reverent fear in our heart toward God.
I can recommend a couple of sites that our family listens to all day. It is who has preaching and music, and my favorite station is (click listen, then "relaxing hymns station", then choose "listen with windows", then ok) This station has only instrumental hymns. I wake up in the morning, after my run, devotions and shower, turn this station and allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in our home all day. It sets the tone for righteous living.
Well, so much for a snack. Hope your full.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Run (your name), Run!

I tried to find a "catchy" title about running but my mind is a
Yesterday, I went running and as always, it felt great. I am amazed at the detoxification that's done from running or walking at a fast pace.
I haven't been following the suggestions that I put on top of the blog because I didn't find it challenging enough. Once I saw I could run the whole distance, I decided to just keep it up and build up my endurance.
When I went running yesterday, I saw something that scared me but the thought of sharing what I saw made me laugh. Here is the scenario in sequence.
I'm warming up with a brisk walk. "It's hard to walk today (yesterday), the snow/rain that fell made the roads slushy, it's like walking in sand. Hmmm where could I walk? In the tire track or should I walk here, on the side of the road where there is just snow? Well, look at that! I just crossed over a trail of fresh deer or moose tracks....sigh..."
Now you can say you've seen inside my mind... lol. Yes, this is how I talk to myself, that's what I sound like... lol
Ya.. so I was a little freaked out when I saw that and was very quickly reminded that I had not prayed for the Lord to protect me, needless to say, I jumped into that mode in no time.
BUT TODAY! I was bringing MJ to come walking with me. I did not need to be afraid. Slim, tiny, timid MJ came for a run with me. When we almost arrived back home, I chuckled to myself thinking, I'm not sure who I would be safer with, Samuel or MJ.
Anyway, I ran a little faster and thought I would put a bit more resistance in my workout, and MJ was all for it. This is the game we played... ok, she played, I resisted. Every time a car would come by, which was more frequently as we got closer to 6:30am, MJ would get scared and want to run through the ditch and into the field... so I resisted... hence tug of war was added to my cardio workout because it was not challenging enough it seemed. :/ LOL
I say that with a tone of comic because that's how my mind is when it comes to unusual events in my life, it keeps me laughing which I LOVE to do.
So, that was my running experiences for yesterday and today. Tomorrow, I plan to bring MJ along again since it's good for her and I DID feel a little safer, maybe it's because I was running faster.
In my devotions today, I was reading in Proverbs 15 and Jeremiah chapter 23 and 24. I noticed that in Jeremiah, we read much about how God is not impressed with the prophets who lead His people astray, saying, "God has said..." The Lord talks a lot about how He will "take care" of the wicked which has led my thought in the direction, which is incorrect, of why is He not "taking care" of the wicked in today's day and age. Why are there people who hate God, deny their family of time and affection for the love of trips and toys and that they seem to have it all? I know that they don't but our flesh will sometimes look at others and wonder why is my hard working husband who is growing in the Lord and serving God not getting a break and they are? Or maybe we focus on why not me?
There are so many answers, that we can find in the bible for those questions and I found another one today in Jeremiah 24. You would need to read the whole chapter to get everything in context. It is a short chapter. Basically, God takes something Jeremiah is noticing and using it for an illustration to help Jeremiah to understand what is going to happen. God says that He will," I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for [their] good. For I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land: and I will build them, and not pull [them] down; and I will plant them, and not pluck [them] up."
These people, who served God, were being brought captive by King Nebuchadnezzar into another country to be slaves, yet God is going to use this for good in their life.
Sometimes, we think we have it rough, like running in the slush, but we don't see where this part of life is bringing us. We think we are captive and fell enslaved by a trial but in reality, if you are right with God and He is not trying to get your attention because you have turned your back on Him, He is using this for good.
My running in the slush, made me have to work harder, my feet were wet and cold but I can feel a difference in my thighs today and the firming up it has done. "Playing" tug of war with MJ this morning when a car drove by will help build her trust in me and perhaps do something I can't see yet.
Having a relationship with God, that is being fed with having communion with God, spending time talking and listening to Him and reading His Word, is one that is compare to a hiding place or a refuge. When you don't understand the trials of life, instead of "murmuring and disputing", we can just trust in our Lord to guide us, teach us and to draw strength from.
This is what makes a relationship with God become so sweet.
How appropriately is Jeremiah 24:7 (we can count on Him 24/7), "And I will give them an heart to know me, that I [am] the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart."
That is the purpose and it is repeated over and over again in the bible like in Romans 8:28-29, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."
Run the race, don't get sluggish.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I present to you...MJ!

She is a shepherd mix. I think she might be mix with Doberman, somewhere down the line. She is very polite, sweet and gentle. MJ is 9 months.
When she arrived at home, on her leash, she walked through the house with Samuel by her side. He really loves her. She got to sniff every room but the dinning room and kitchen. Calico, our female cat, and MJ met at the stairs to the basement. At first Calico kept walking towards us, she then noticed MJ and quickly ran away. MJ just stood there and sort of like saying, "Is it something I said?" lol. She just turned around and kept exploring the house.
The kids went outside with her twice already and she seems to really like it. We are keeping her on her leash for now, which was suggested by the SPCA. She didn't seem to do well while be tested with handling. In other words, would get agitated when being touched or patted quickly. She is responding really well and I think, so far, she is the perfect match for our family.
We had prayed that the Lord would help us find the right dog and that we would know when we saw him/her. As always, God has been faithfull.
I would like to encourage you, if you plan to get a dog, to visit the SPCA or shelter in your area. It is true that many dogs have issues but they deserve a good, loving home. The people at the Moncton SPCA were wonderful! They were more than willing to help, answer our questions and give us advice. The whole experience has been a blessing and we learnt so much.
Here are some very amator photographs of MJ (Mary Jane) only an hour after getting home.
The last photograph, almost puts a knot in my throat, seeing Samuel and MJ enjoying one another.

Going to get our dog today...

Stay tuned, I will have picts. and notes.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Some Funnies...

Do you remember the show, "Kids say the darndest things!"? I used to love that show.
As we did school this morning, Jacob said something that made me chuckle which then reminded me of something my oldest son told me the other day, which made me laugh.
Thought I'd share them with you.
If you have one, please post it.

Jacob, finished writing a sentence in french and read it to me, then said, "That's impressif eh mom?!" LOL "Yes, you're right... ".

Samuel was sitting on the love seat in our bedroom, watching me do my hair before we went out. He said to me, in French, "Mom... I'm glad you're fat." I waited to see where he was going with this, although, in my mind I was shocked slightly offended... lol. "Really, why?" I replied. "It's just because, with your hair like that and your face, too many men would want you." My heart melted and I couldn't help but chuckle inside. hee, hee, hee. I wasn't sure how to respond to I just said, "Oh, I understand...."

Enjoy the funny things your children say because Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. "

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Day Full of...

Today is and will be a day different than others. Why?
1st Today is the first day, since my third child, that I went jogging, not walk/jog. YA! I warmed up with a 5 min. brisk walk then, I jogged, and jogged and jogged. I decided that I would just keep going until I needed to stop. I was able to jog until the last two minutes, which I walked to cool down.
When I woke up this morning, I was so tired, I didn't want to go walking at all. My body was lazy and I had a hard time to snap into it, but I knew I would feel better after so I went into the VERY cool air and started walkin'.
2nd After my devotions and shower, I was drying my hair and notice something sparklling. Yup... it's another grey hair... I'm not sure how I feel about it. Mind you, this might be the 3rd grey hair I find; nothing major. lol I find it somewhat funny because, I remember what I thought of people who were 38... "she's old!!!". I don't feel old. Actually, I feel like I'm still a young adult, 22 or 23 years old. I'm sort of in shock, realizing that life is not going backward but forward and that we don't live forever. We know this in our mind but sometimes it's as if we are in denial.
Concerning my grey hair, I'm not sure if I should start covering it; dying it or just let it all go grey. I can't picture my self in grey hair...LOL. Some people actually look better in salt pepper color hair. As for me... hmmmm not sure.
3rd Yesterday, we went to the Moncton SPCA to see their dogs. The people there are amazing! It was a wonderful experience thus far. We went back and forth from one dog to another, trying to see what dog would be the "right one". We spent time with two dogs, one named Cody who we found out is very dominant and has an obedience problem like climbing on the cupboards... ya... that's what I said. Then we spent time with Lexi who is a black part lab/boxer. She is beautiful and a very good dog. She did try to be dominant by jumping on Samuel and I and do what seemed like a dance. I found this strange and asked the worker there why she did that and she was the one who explained to me that Lexi was trying to dominate us and that we needed to be firm and pull on her collar to the side while saying "NO!". "She will quickly learn that you are the ones in control." She only did it 3 times, the third time she came down right away.
There is one problem with Lexi, she sees cats as prey and should not be around them. hmmmm... that's a problem since we have a cat and she's timid already. Today we plan to go to the SPCA again to spend time with Lexi again and see if we can spend time with Bessy who is also a fixed Female. She is a black lab mix, I don't remember with what. She is better with cats and she's younger so perhaps she would be a better match.
4th During my devotions, the Lord showed me something I never noticed before. In Proverbs 9, we start with "wisdom buildeth her house", a woman who is wise and she shows it by how she prepares her day ahead of time, she cares for her family, reaches out to others to teach them and draw them to understanding. I've read through this proverbs many times and remember reading about the foolish woman who does nothing and is lazy. What drew my attention, that I had not noticed in detail before, was that in the same proverbs, we begin with the wise woman and we end with the foolish woman who both call out to the simple. One difference is in the obvious, one is wise and the other foolish but, the perhaps not so apparent, is that as they both call out to the simple, the people react differently. It is not said exactly how the people reacted toward the wise woman but, God takes the time to specify that, the foolish woman is ignored by the people; Proverbs 9:15, "To call passengers who go right on their ways". That was, for the first time, very obvious to me, the differences not only in the women but in how the people reacted to them. Food for thought. So, "A Day Full Of lessons to be learnt and new accomplishements".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What's the difference?

I went walking/jogging today. I was supposed to go yesterday too but I over slept. I regretted it so much, because I was really looking forward to going. Today, I jogged more than I walked. Warmed up for 5 minutes brisk walk, then I jogged for 3 minutes, walked for 2 minutes then jogged about 3-4 minutes. I walked for 2-3 minutes then jogged most of the way back, maybe walking a total of 2 minutes. I then cooled down with 2 minutes of walking.
I wore my boots this morning... no, not my high heel boots; my husband asked me that with a strange look on his face. lol I went with a pair of winter boots that my cousin gave me; I got a blister and they were not comfortable when I walked, hence why I ran more than usual. (Maybe I should of worn my high heel boots.)
It was cold this morning but the sky was filled with stars and the moon shined my pathway again this morning. I woke up early, starting my "run" at 5:46am. I felt soooooo good after I was done. I must do some research on the effects of walking/running, outside, first thing of the day, I'm sure there must be some detoxification that happens because I feel so good physically when I go out running in the morning.
Anyway, that's that.
I read in Proverbs 8 this morning, "bet" you can't guess why... lol. I also read in Jeremiah 17 and 18. I was specifically struck with the call of wisdom. Over and over again, Proverbs 8 talks about knowledge, understanding and wisdom. They have very similar root meanings but by looking in the dictionary, we see that although these words begin with similar meaning, they have different ways of manifesting themselves.

  • Knowledge: acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation (2) awareness, as of a fact or circumstance.
  • Understanding: mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation.
  • Wisdom: the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
God is very specific, with and through His Word, He never leaves us confused or "hanging". 2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Through study (definition of study: application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection), we get knowledge, we then get understanding by thinking on these things that God has shown us and "putting the pieces of the puzzle" together, then by recognizing our responsibility to what God showed us, we apply it into our life and practice, show and use what we have learnt. This is wisdom.
James 1:5 says, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
If you struggle with applying the things God has taught you and shown you in His Word, ask Him to help you develop the ability and will to show these new things in your life.
I noticed that God teaches in increments, little by little, adding new understanding and desiring me to add to my knowledge, temperance (consistency), patience, godliness...(see 2 Peter 1:5-8).
It's no wonder that God created all things to grow. It's also no wonder that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (see Proverbs 1:7). Learning/studying of the things of God will help us know Him better and recognize His power, grace and mercy. We then grow in these last three things.
We serve an awesome God.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Vanessa Williams - Oh, How He Loves You And Me

Through life God constantly shows us His love for us; first through the death and resurrection of His ONLY Son, through the forgiveness of our sins, then through everyday life.

Ouch! That's sharp!!!

You know who "Zorro" is right?! He's a man, mostly dressed in black with a very sharp sword; it's so sharp it can slice a "Z", in a tight black fabric tarp, with just the tip of the sword! (It's not real, just a movie...) Although that's a movie, Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." I know for a fact that this scripture is absolutely true, aside from the fact that the whole bible is true, I know this by experience also. Once, while going through a very valley in my journey, I decided to go see my pastor and his wife for counselling to help me get to other side of the valley. This valley did not just include me so I had to learn how to persevere whether the circumstances changed or not. It seemed that nothing the pastor said was getting through. In my heart, I kept saying, "ya but... ya but... ya but...!" Then the pastor quoted Philippians 3:10 "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death" hoooooof! It was someone punched me in the stomach. I began to cry uncontrollably. The word of God, His sword, had pierced through my hardened heart and showed me that it didn't matter what the circumstance was, I had a choice to make: whether to accept the opportunity to know Christ in a deeper way through sufferance, and seeing His power manifested in that situation, or to turn my back on a deeper relationship with Him for the temporary satisfying of my flesh. To stay where I was spiritually and to never see the circumstance really change but get worst because only the power of God could change it.
I went home that day, still sobbing, knowing not only what I had to do, but what I wanted to do. I wanted more than anything to see God's power manifested in my life. I wanted to see a miracle and be a part of it. I wanted to be drawn closer to God; to have REAL fellowship with Him. I could never experience what He, Jesus, went through but He knows my struggles as if they were His own.
We, my Lord and I, made it through that valley, and I DID see the power of God manifested in not only my life but of others.
Often while reading the specific scriptures intended for that day, God takes His Sword and takes just the tip of it, and cuts through my soul and spirit, to show me something He wants to change or to take out of my life.
This morning, I read Proverbs 7, then went to Ephesians 4 and 5. As I began to read Eph 4:1, "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called." I had noted beside there from a time past, *wife and mother*.
The tip of God's Sword just tapped on a particular spot in my heart. Reminding me that my present "vocation" is wife and mother, along with teacher to my children and to other women in the church. He reminded me that I have a responsibility to walk worthy of that vocation. How can I "be a duck if I don't walk like one"?
I stayed there for a while, meditating on what God was showing me. Thinking about how difficult that can be at times. Life as a Christian is not always easy if you are seeking to grow and you don't think more of yourself than you are. I felt the nudge to keep reading. Eph 4:2 said this, "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;" Ahhhhh... the encouragement of the Lord, just a reminder that He "will never leave us nor forsake us".
Lord seeks to have a real relationship with us and this requires somethings on our part:
  1. We need to be born again, once by flesh but then again in the spirit. By accepting we are a sinner and God is Perfect, Holy and Just. That we need to be reconciled to Him by accepting the free gift of salvation, by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ only. Not our works, nothing can be added to it. Then by repenting, turning away, from our sins and asking Christ to wash our sins away. Making Him our Saviour. Then living for Him, being a testimony to others.
  2. We need to be sincere, everyday, towards God. He knows our frame, in other words, He knows we are not perfect, that we fail. We should not pretend to Him nor to others that we are, or that we have it all together; God and others can see through that.
  3. Read His Word daily, and spend time just talking to God and allow Him to talk to you. Just "shut up" and listen for His still small, but powerful, voice.
I love that intimate relationship I have with the Lord. There is nothing on this earth like it. I can't imagine my life without it. Eph. 5:19, "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord" so, I want to share this hymn with you.

Friday, December 4, 2009

At the Foot of the Cross

Yesterday, was to be rest day for the daily walk/jog, I did that yet, I had the hardest time getting going. I dragged my feet all day. The first of two times my feet actually left the floor was when the Bathurst SPCA said we were approved and we could go get Kody. I literally leaped for joy. I was so excited! That's probably why I cried today when we both, DH and I, accepted that now, was not the right time to buy a dog. We would be best to put the money in things to finish the house so we can get our mortgage. It was hard to accept, we all wanted to have Kody. I'm thankful that there was another family looking at him so he will have a home soon.
By the time we would of drove up to Bathurst and back, paid for the dog, got his rabies shot, which was required and his tags it would of cost the same as what the spindles are costing to finish the railing for the stairs. This would not of been a good example of being good stewards.
We are also experiencing another illness in the family which could be deadly, we don't know if it's before or after Christmas. The results should be in by the end of next week.
It's only been 2 years, in October, since my husband's father passed away with lung cancer, my grandmother who was 95 died of breast cancer this fall, and now perhaps another member of the family has cancer.
Sometimes life seems crazy, almost in vain. There are battles no matter where you turn, Christians who allow themselves, including me, to be used as a tool for Satan and cause division, strife and mislead those who are not saved. "What is this all about?" we could ask ourselves but it needs to be all laid at the foot of the cross. Our struggles, our hurts, our fears, our insecurities but especially, those who we pray for and try to lead to Christ. That's what it's all about. Being willing to trust God, willing to be used as a vessel, willing to run the race in a way that pleases God and draws as many people to Christ as possible.
It's hard to separate our human duties and spiritual duties sometimes and find the balance but I have found that when I lean on God and just trust in His decisions for my life, spend time in His word and in fellowship with Him, I am much more willing to just follow.
We need to be willing, to be willing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Seeing ahead

Wow... I feel like all is a blurr. I just ate some pasta and I'm ready for a nap...
Things are pretty busy here today but let's start at the beginning.
My morning walk/jog.
I woke up a few minutes late... 5:50am. Samuel seemed pretty tired walking yesterday so I asked him if "he wanted the day "off"", he told me if he wasn't awake that I could go running without him. It did take some convincing because he wanted to make sure I was ok to go running alone. "You're not scared to go alone?" "No, because the Lord told me that He was protecting us, we would be fine." "Ok then." It was nice to have some quiet time and just push myself to the max.
It was a crisp morning but I had long undergarments so I was nice and warm, and when I arrived, I was definately warm. The sky was clear, hence the cooler temp., and I coud still see the stars. The moon was bright, even shinning through the trees' skeleton, leaving their shadow on the road. I could hear the trickeling water in the ditch and the crackle of the cold branches. It was beautiful.
I tought to myself how awesome it is to have a God who looks out for you and know well in advance, your need. He knew I would be alone to walk this morning so ahead of time, He prepared the moon to shine at it's brightest to light my way.
My devotions
The Lord never ceases to amaze me. Imagine if I were closer to Him, how many more blessings I would see, touch, hear and feel! As I read His word, it comes alive on the pages. Seeing the turmoil of Jeremiah and the anger of the Lord towards the people who purposly lie about Him, misleading those who are seeking. That is specifically what the Lord showed me this morning. In combination with reading Proverbs 2, it seemed it was a theme for today. God considers it very important to be close to Him so we can have wisdom, knowledge and discretion, along with other important things. With these things, He can guide us, direct us and help us stand but, without spending time in His word and in fellowship with Him, we lack these things.
My weight loss
I have a juicer and love using it. I thought that there must be some juice recipes that could help me with my weight loss, and sure enough I found many recipes. HINT*** greens: broccoli, sprout, spinach and celery are great weight loss helpers. Mix this with carrots. with a dash of Cayenne pepper, which helps to kick start your metabolism, and voila! Here's one I'd like to try soon. Coconut, celeri and spinach. mmmmmmm wow! They had suggested to keep vegetables with vegetables but one recipe I really like is 3lbs of carrots and 2 granny smith apples.HELLO! That's good!... I'm ready for some juice!
Going really well. Yesterday, we did an experiment. Can liquid move upwards if it is not be sucked up like a vacuum or pushed up? The answer is yes. If you put a bucket of water and stand up a straw in that bucket, the water will begin to go up. In our experiement, we had to put water with food coloring in one plastic see through cup, rolled up a piece of paper towel, place it in the colored water, then put the other end of the paper towel in an empty plastic see through cup. The colored water eventually "climbed" up the paper towel which a few hours later, it had totaly gone into the other cup! That was so cool! Samuel's light bulp went off and he ran outside. He had remembered that this summer, he had cut a stem of a branchy weed and noticed a sponge like center. He went to get one to try the experiment on it. We cut the bottom in half on the length and saw the sponge like material he reffered to. We dipped it in the colored water and watched the green liquid "climb" up into the stem of the weed. Now THAT was cool! All of a sudden, we had new "knowledge" of God which taught us the fear of the Lord. The more we know about His creation, the more we recognize it's awesomness, the more we reverence, honor and respect Him. What a mighty God we serve.
I need to finish up my house work, fold clean clothes, iron a bunch of them, bring Dominique to piano, come home and get ready to make supper which we will be soon after leaving to go to church for bible study.
It's a full day but a blessed one none the less.
I still need a nap...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today's walk

This morning it was CRISP! HELLO!!
We started walking at 5:56am. We slipped a couple of times but never fell. There was a slight covering of snow so we could see better. The black road we could find no problem, against the white snow but the black ice on the black pavement was a little harder to spot.
Samuel has been getting pains in his side and I think it's because he's not breathing right, so he's been concentrating on that. Needless to say, walking fast and breathing right is hard to do when you are concentrating on one and not the other.
We both agreed that we should probably wear long johns tomorrow.
I found a neat site if you are interested. I think I would like to download some of their podcasts.
If you like to download podcasts, may I suggested: for some good preaching.
Today, we have a friend who went to visit a dog we are thinking of getting. He is part lab part Bernese. BIG DOG!
She had nothing but wonderful things to say about him so I will be passing along this information to my husband, and maybe we will have our new dog. Here's a picture of him.

Until we meet again...