Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Seeing ahead

Wow... I feel like all is a blurr. I just ate some pasta and I'm ready for a nap...
Things are pretty busy here today but let's start at the beginning.
My morning walk/jog.
I woke up a few minutes late... 5:50am. Samuel seemed pretty tired walking yesterday so I asked him if "he wanted the day "off"", he told me if he wasn't awake that I could go running without him. It did take some convincing because he wanted to make sure I was ok to go running alone. "You're not scared to go alone?" "No, because the Lord told me that He was protecting us, we would be fine." "Ok then." It was nice to have some quiet time and just push myself to the max.
It was a crisp morning but I had long undergarments so I was nice and warm, and when I arrived, I was definately warm. The sky was clear, hence the cooler temp., and I coud still see the stars. The moon was bright, even shinning through the trees' skeleton, leaving their shadow on the road. I could hear the trickeling water in the ditch and the crackle of the cold branches. It was beautiful.
I tought to myself how awesome it is to have a God who looks out for you and know well in advance, your need. He knew I would be alone to walk this morning so ahead of time, He prepared the moon to shine at it's brightest to light my way.
My devotions
The Lord never ceases to amaze me. Imagine if I were closer to Him, how many more blessings I would see, touch, hear and feel! As I read His word, it comes alive on the pages. Seeing the turmoil of Jeremiah and the anger of the Lord towards the people who purposly lie about Him, misleading those who are seeking. That is specifically what the Lord showed me this morning. In combination with reading Proverbs 2, it seemed it was a theme for today. God considers it very important to be close to Him so we can have wisdom, knowledge and discretion, along with other important things. With these things, He can guide us, direct us and help us stand but, without spending time in His word and in fellowship with Him, we lack these things.
My weight loss
I have a juicer and love using it. I thought that there must be some juice recipes that could help me with my weight loss, and sure enough I found many recipes. HINT*** greens: broccoli, sprout, spinach and celery are great weight loss helpers. Mix this with carrots. with a dash of Cayenne pepper, which helps to kick start your metabolism, and voila! Here's one I'd like to try soon. Coconut, celeri and spinach. mmmmmmm wow! They had suggested to keep vegetables with vegetables but one recipe I really like is 3lbs of carrots and 2 granny smith apples.HELLO! That's good!... I'm ready for some juice!
Going really well. Yesterday, we did an experiment. Can liquid move upwards if it is not be sucked up like a vacuum or pushed up? The answer is yes. If you put a bucket of water and stand up a straw in that bucket, the water will begin to go up. In our experiement, we had to put water with food coloring in one plastic see through cup, rolled up a piece of paper towel, place it in the colored water, then put the other end of the paper towel in an empty plastic see through cup. The colored water eventually "climbed" up the paper towel which a few hours later, it had totaly gone into the other cup! That was so cool! Samuel's light bulp went off and he ran outside. He had remembered that this summer, he had cut a stem of a branchy weed and noticed a sponge like center. He went to get one to try the experiment on it. We cut the bottom in half on the length and saw the sponge like material he reffered to. We dipped it in the colored water and watched the green liquid "climb" up into the stem of the weed. Now THAT was cool! All of a sudden, we had new "knowledge" of God which taught us the fear of the Lord. The more we know about His creation, the more we recognize it's awesomness, the more we reverence, honor and respect Him. What a mighty God we serve.
I need to finish up my house work, fold clean clothes, iron a bunch of them, bring Dominique to piano, come home and get ready to make supper which we will be soon after leaving to go to church for bible study.
It's a full day but a blessed one none the less.
I still need a nap...

1 comment:

darcie said...

Cynthia, I have enjoyed visiting your blog, reading what God is teaching you in your devotions, reading Jacob's story; thanks for sharing it so that God receives the glory. You have plenty of snow in the northlands; here deep in the heart of Texas, snow is perdicted for tomorrow; it will shut down the city-imagine that! treasure the time with your children, they grow up FAST; my 8 are grown now and living all over the world-God is good through it all. blessings, Darcie