Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today's walk

This morning it was CRISP! HELLO!!
We started walking at 5:56am. We slipped a couple of times but never fell. There was a slight covering of snow so we could see better. The black road we could find no problem, against the white snow but the black ice on the black pavement was a little harder to spot.
Samuel has been getting pains in his side and I think it's because he's not breathing right, so he's been concentrating on that. Needless to say, walking fast and breathing right is hard to do when you are concentrating on one and not the other.
We both agreed that we should probably wear long johns tomorrow.
I found a neat site if you are interested. I think I would like to download some of their podcasts.
If you like to download podcasts, may I suggested:
http://www.nvbc.org/preaching_podcasts/index.html for some good preaching.
Today, we have a friend who went to visit a dog we are thinking of getting. He is part lab part Bernese. BIG DOG!
She had nothing but wonderful things to say about him so I will be passing along this information to my husband, and maybe we will have our new dog. Here's a picture of him.

Until we meet again...

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