Monday, December 9, 2013

As if it was 400 years

I can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged.

I have been so busy with homeschooling, trying to be the best "manager of my home" and working full time, and making sure my relationship with Christ does not waver.

So much has changed, most good, although the body isn't as resilient as it use to be.

Today, I had such a sweet time with the Lord, and He was so gracious to not only answer my prayers, but assure me of His presence.

Sometimes, in the business of life, especially as moms, life seems to plateau. Nothing majorly bad or good happens, it just coasts.

It was like that for me. The Lord has done so many wonderful things in my life, but of late, I craved seeing His hand at work. The mundane of life seemed to had creeped in.

Our pastor preached from Luke 1 yesterday. The Holy Spirit brought to light, for me, that God had not spoken to his children, nor appeared, etc, for 400 years and now finally, through Zacharias, God's hand began to show movement. The slightest doubt or lack of faith rendered him deaf and dumb for the entire pregnancy of Elizabeth.

I couldn't help but think that it seems like centuries since God's hand has moved on my life. (somedays I feel that old) I remembered that Israel had sinned over and over so I asked the Lord to show me if I had sin in my life. He showed me something that was important to Him obviously, and now important to me, although to others, they might not see the problem or the connection.

I confessed it, and asked the Lord to move in my life. To remind me, even when life is just plateau"ing", that He's there with me.


He did! Tonight at work, I was talking to a guest. He told me how he had gone on vacation with his wife. He had chest pains while there, but ignored it. When they got home, they went directly to the hospital which in turn, he had 5 bypasses! He had had several little heart attacks. I told him that he obviously had someone looking over him. He looked at me, and smiled, said, "Yes, the good Lord was watching over me." Eventually, he said. I'm looking for something, more than just going to church and praying. I chuckled inside and thanked the Lord.

We spoke for a while. He is a saved man, but not growing. I encouraged him to read his bible daily like his mama used to, and to pray everyday too.

When he left, I looked at the ceiling and thanked the Lord for showing me that he's always there, just not always able to use me.

What a God we serve.