Friday, March 28, 2008

What's in time?

God showed this "revelation" to me one day after my workout at the gym.
I had been running on the treadmill and toward the end of my workout, I was anxious to see the "Cool Down" stage of my workout, so I started running faster to just push against the erge of stopping altogether.
Later that morning, as I sat on my bed to start my prayer time, the Lord spoke a phrase to me which I come back to everytime I try to rush life along so I can get to the cooler part of life. He said, "20 minutes is 20 minutes no matter how fast you run." I was stunned to hear Him say that but it was so true. On the treadmill, I can run as fast as I can to fight against the erge to quit but I still have the same time remaining on the clock. The only difference is I feel exausted instead of energized.
Are you doing like me, running as fast as you can so you can get to the "Cool Down" stage of life? Instead, we should be reenergizing ourselves in God's word and by spending time with God; letting Him walk with us through our season to the next?
If you haven't spent time with God today, remember "20 minutes is 20 minutes no matter how fast you run". Stop what you are doing and seek His face, then walk with Him through the season of your life.
Keep walkin'

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