Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Wow! I never thought I could actually hear eyes rolling back in someone's head... arrrrgh... forgiveness;)
Believe me, I do not have the gift of forgiveness but God showed me today in Matthew 18:21, when God tells Peter that he must forgive 70 times 7 for just one person, so I must also, still forgive.
Our flesh hates the thought of it though, doesn't it? It's one thing when we wrongged that person but when we have a clear concience, having done nothing wrong, it's difficult to not be bitter.
I was, very recently, wrongly accused of doing something. It was like a wave that built up inside of me. I'm thankful the Holy Spirit quickly showed me that it was my pride that was swelling up inside of me. I have learnt, the hard way I may say, that when my pride swells up inside I make a BIG, or like a child in Sunday School once said, GINORMOUS, mess of things. I knew what I had to do, swallow my pride and try to understand why this person felt the need to attack me. Thankfully their attack was done through the medium of a letter so I had time to think things through. God must know I'm not practiced enough to be quick on my feet,in order to have a proper response so, he bought me time with the letter. :)
As I prayed, I had a better understanding of what could be the real issue and God helped me to respond properly.
In the end, the person did not retaleate.
Without the Lord Jesus Christ in my life, I could of never done this. He has taught me through His word, Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." and Proverbs 13:10 "Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.". He also knows me better than I know myself. He knows I'm "still in trainning" and does not rejoice in seeing me mess up. Like He said in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." God gave me a way of escape after I recognized my sin of pride. I repented and seeked His face for the way out. He is now helping me to bear that hurt that is still there from the accusation, but I know in time, that too will heal.
I don't always react the way that I did with this particular situation, and when I don't, I feel defeated and carry bitterness in my heart which ends up destroying my day and hurting others around me.
Yes, I can rejoice today in the victory but my journey is not over and I will certainly face another "opportunity to grow". I know that next time I might not have the time to think things through but I pray that God will continue to change me and mold me that I may be more like Him.
Hope you have a victorious day.
Stay moldable

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