Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Journey Begins

I had a friend who once told me that she loved "hanging out" with me because, there was ALWAYS an adventure! I must admit, that comment is mostly true. I'm often wondering where God is taking me next.

As the introduction to my blog says, I believe that every decision we make will affect others, whether for good or bad, and we must take responsability for them.

I live my life with reason; I want my life to matter at the end of it all. I don't want to lay in my coffin, with a few people visiting, not having many nice things to think back on. I want my life to have a positive impact on people. Every person I come in contact with, I hope, feel important and cared for. I want to help people see that they too can take another step towards that mile that seems unreachable. That life is worth living and can be abundant no matter the circumstances. Yes.... I have been accused of being an "eternal positive extremist" lol

Even as I speak, I'm walking through a path in my life that is discouraging and emotionally drainning but, I know my God is with me and He wants me to be still so He can do the work. Notice I said HE can do the work. I often have to be still twice; the first time to actually take my hands off the situation then a second to let Him do the work. His timing is not ours.

It gives me peace to know that I am not in control of my life.

Have you ever gone somewhere via the train? You have no clue which city you're stopping at, this time, and it seems like you'll never get to your destination but if you trust the train conductor to take you to the planned destination, you can sit back and relax until it's time to "disembark" and be greeted by your host.

Life can be full of disappointments and hardships or, it can be abundant and full of learning opportunities.

I hope my journey will be an encouragement to either sit back and let conductor take you to your destination or help you recognize your need for a Saviour and friend.

Stay moldable.

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