Friday, May 2, 2008

Remember me

I was reading Psalm 12 last night and again, the Lord pierced my heart with His two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).
Psalm 12:1,2 " Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak."
It's so easy to read that passage and think of others we know who are slacking off in God's work. Last night, as I read that, my heart hardened, and I thought of how sad it is that some who are saved, are falling by the wayside and some are just not doing the work of God. Then the Lord asked me to read verses 1 and 2 again but to put "I" everywhere I see "they".
OUCH!!!! You try that exercise and see if you're still on top of things.
I repented, for I remembered that I had been sharp with the kids during the day and that even though I had spent time with God in the morning, I had a double heart.
James 2:8 says, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways".
When life feels chaotic and overwhelming, in my case, it's that I'm double minded and the bible guarantees that it will happen. I might be doing the right things but what are my motives?
This does not mean I stop doing right, it means I change my motive.
This morning, I want my heart to be changed, clean and pure. I want my motive to be inspired to please God, and Him only. I want to do His work for Him; raising my kids and loving my kids, teaching my kids and inspiring them. Guiding them to know God and being an example of someone who loves God. Being a good wife so my husband will be drawn closer to God.
All these things seem so hard to do, even impossible, and they are when it's motivated by our desire and/or our flesh. When we are motivated by our love for Christ's sacrifice of Himself; to die in our place, and the Father; giving His only Son to reconcile us to Him.
When we look back at the Garden of Gethsemane, remembering the loneliness He felt and the anguish, when we recognize the pain He suffered even before the cross as they tortured their own creator, the one who gave them breath. The walk to Calvary's hill and the embarrassment of hanging there naked or almost naked (I'm not sure of that particular detail).
When we think on these things, (Philippians 4:8), God changes our heart and our motive becomes pure.
Let us remember Him, so we might remember what we are not.

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