Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mother's day is coming up...

This morning, I read what I wrote yesterday, and I was so convicted! I love God's word, He just cleaned me all up.
You see, I woke up early to go to the gym and I REALLY didn't want to go but I missed yesterday and the day before so... I went. It was a good workout but I got home grouchy. I prayed that God would soften my heart, and their you go, He did.
I also read a thought from a homeschooling newsletter I get weekly, and thought I would share it with you as mother's day is coming. I always set myself up for a fall on that day so it really spoke to me. Hope it's an encouragement to you.

Mercy Every Minute

Deborah Wuehler, TOS Senior Editor

I am going to rebel and talk about the un-importance of mothers. Surely you are saying, "How awful!" But before you dismiss me, let me clarify.

I do believe the function of motherhood is important. If it weren't for mothers we wouldn't be here (of course). So, it's not so much the importance of being a mother, but it is the value of what we do and Who we represent that matters for eternity. God will not say, "Well done - you were a mother." But He may say, "Well done, you were a good and faithful servant and made my Son known to those I gave you."

Whenever we place too much importance on ourselves, our office as mothers, or our sacrificial tasks, the danger is that our focus becomes skewed and our emotions entangled. We begin to feel we deserve to be treated well, rather than the right focus of treating others well. We feel we deserve recognition for our sacrifices, rather than laying down our lives in response to the One Who was made of no reputation and laid down His life for us. We feel we deserve celebration rather than pointing heavenward and saying that all glory must belong to Him, for there is no one good, not even one.

If we make it through one day in our own strength, we feel the right to shout, "Bravo!" But more often than not, our strength fails and we come to the end of our resources before we come to the end of the day. But if His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses and the excellence of His power has filled our earthen vessels so that we can not only make it through a day, but come out victorious, we can shout "Hallelujah!" (Being interpreted: Hail to Jehovah!)

So what is the danger of just one day of focusing on ourselves? For one thing, if all of these earthly "rights" of celebration are not met satisfactorily, we are disappointed and sometimes even angry with those we are called to love and serve. However, if all is done for Him and through Him and with Him, then any day is worthy of celebration because it is He Whom we celebrate.

I propose that we not merely lift up mothers on Mother's Day, but truly give honor to the Maker of all mothers. For in so doing, we can avoid all the trappings of anger and disappointment when we are not celebrated as we think we ought, and all the glory which rightly belongs to Him is rightly given Him.

Does heaven applaud mothers? Yes, when mothers applaud Heaven.


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