Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the Light of Things

In the olden days, people had light during the day with the sun,and by fire at night with candles or paraffin lamps, but at night it was too dim to do much work. In modern times, we have light anytime we want, enough of it to function during the night as in the day. I wonder if the comparison of both is symbolic to the lack of acknowledgement of our God. What I mean is; the fact that people in the "olden days" depended on God to light their way physically, being able to function and do work; providing for their families. There was a dependency on God and acknowledgement that they needed His creation of light for everyday life; a humbleness, a reverence. Today, we are self sufficient. We have used the intelligence that God gave us to create our own light, like Israel, in the Old Testament, who created their own gods. We don't need to depend on God for His creation to help us provide for our families. We do what we want, when we want to get what we want. We are no longer dependant on Him for physical light and how symbolic it is in the spiritual sense; we no longer depend on Him for spiritual light for we have convinced ourselves that we are self sufficient and we don't need His creations, His sacrifice, His forgiveness, His mercy and especially His grace. How pathetic we have become, preferring our own light to His.

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