Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Compensating or Compensated?

When Jacob was diagnosed to be born missing the right side of his pelvis, right hip and leg, they had also discovered that there was a problem with his right kidney. Once he was born, they did an ultrasound and was able to find the right kidney but told us that it was tiny and wasn't working although his left kidney was larger and was compensating for it so he could live a normal life so long as that left kidney stayed healthy.
It will be two weeks tomorrow that I had my second hearing test. She explained to me in greater detail how the hearing tests were done. She said that it is measured in decibels and that a person who hears well will measure at 15-20 decibels. During my first hearing test, as you know, I measured 40 decibels, this test, my right ear measured 60 decibels! So we are not going in the right direction as far as I'm concerned BUT God knows what He is doing. The fear of the unknown works hard on me at times but He has never left me in a place that was bad. I on the other hand have often called on Him once I've brought myself to a bad place in life so... I'm learning to let Him lead. The relevance of this story to the last is that during my test she first checked the middle ear to see if perhaps this was the problem and not the inner ear that had worsten. It was fine. She then put what looks like a head piece that a call center person wears, which the side without the "phone" was placed on the bone behind my ear. She explained that this bone sends vibrations to the inner ear and that's how they test the inner ear. She then told me that she will have a "white noise" in my left ear because when one ear can't hear something, the other ear compensates for it and will send the sound to the brain but we don't know which ear heard it; we just know that we hear a sound. It reminded me of Jacob's kidney and his situation. Later that night, I went to bed and laid on my favorite side, which happens to be on my left ear (the good one) and I believe the Lord brought back to my mind what the speech therapist had told me that day and showed me a spiritual link.
You know, the reason that Jesus told parables about different trades and health in the bible, is because the people where tradesmen and some were sick, so they understood the comparison. In my case, God took something that was familiar to me to help me be reminded and perhaps encourage others to be sensitive to this.
In the body, the body being a group of saved, born again, Christians, there are some who are compensating and some who are being compensated for. I mean that some are working in the ministries, living right, being faithful, keeping their relationship with God right and renewed daily and then there are some who are being compensated for by slacking off, quitting when the going gets tough, are not faithful, are weak, negative, don't spend time with God regularly, have unconfessed sin in their life and live the way they are pleased to do, and not to please God. Those who are compensating need to be stronger, healthier and being larger in number would help but there comes a time when this stronger being (if you will) becomes tired and weak.... then what?
I'm not worried about my hearing. My left ear might become weak and perhaps the Meniere Decease might transfer into my left ear but that doesn't worry me, I can sign, talk and write plus, my Saviour is guiding the way BUT I am concerned about my family and my church and those who are not saved and need someone strong to look up to or depend on so they too can have the Saviour.
It convicted me that if I'm one of those who are being compensated for, I need to smarten up and start strengthening myself in the Lord and be a blessing and encouragement to my family and my church family, friends and even foe. If I am compensating for people who are dropping the ball, then I need to continue to surrender my health, mind and emotions to God's renewing so I don't get weak and become one to be compensated for. I know where I lack and where I'm stronger. Which are you and where? Perhaps you are not saved and feeling run down and weak. The only one who can help you is the Saviour.

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