Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's the verdict?

I've decided to bring to those who have been wondering, an update, via my blog since many are wondering how I am doing and telling the story over and over is draining. I don't like "sharing my problems" on this because I want it to be reserved for edifying my Christian sisters and to draw people to a relationship with Christ through sharing things I've learnt in God's word but, what I might not see, is how God can work in others through my trial so... here we go. Most of you know that I have been sick for the past couple of months. For those who did not know, it's nothing personal, I just did not want to alarm anyone or for people to make a big deal of something that probably isn't. Basically, on August 5th, I had what is called a Vagal. What is it? It can be brought on by stressed over a long period of time or anything that stimulates the Vagus nerve. Or it can be when something that goes, or should go, through your digestive system but something goes wrong. It sends an alarm (if you will) to your Vagus nerve, which is attached to all your organs including the heart. This nerve, in my case, sends a message to my heart. My blood pressure drops very low and to compensate, my heart beats really fast. With this, you vomit... nice eh? hmmm..... I also get VERY weak where I'm not able to stand or even sit; I just lay there, hardly able to talk and it's laborious to open my eyes. It's as if my brain can't communicate with my body. It is normal to have 1 Vagal in one's lifetime, I'm told. In 36 days, I had 5 Vagals... that is not normal. My body was trying to tell me that something was wrong but I did not understand it's language. (I speak 3 languages but this one, I did not understand) I have had MANY blood tests, that I was able to pass to Mr. Ford, from Ford's Apothecary, today. Until today, everything was a mystery. What was making my body react this way?
My husband was really worried that one of these Vagals would be my last; that I would die.
Although this has not been the greatest experience for me nor for my family and friends, God has shown himself powerful and has done in miracle in my marriage through this. My advice to you would be, don't take each other for granted, you never know when you'll loose them. So, having said all that. I met with Mr. Peter Ford today. He is a well known Pharmacist throughout the world but mostly in North America, for his knowledge of the body, it's needs, and how it works. I filled out a LONGGGG form and gave him copies of my recent blood work, including the one done during my first Vagal and some that were just after and some on a normal day. He was able to see that my iron, magnesium, potassium and iodine are all low. (still in the normal range but on the lowest side of it) He explained to me that this is not a diagnosis, only a doctor can do that but from what he could see from my blood is that I am mineral deficient. These are important because this is what helps the electrical current in our system which affects the heart especially. When the minerals are low, we can expect very crazy things but in my case it was Vagals. He suggested to take mineral vitamins, since it is very difficult to find them in foods these days, unless you eat like a Japanese person.... LOL (Japanese have a high "sea vegetable" diet... Okeedokey...) (this is the part that my son Samuel will be envious of) Mr. Ford suggested I also drink half a bottle of Gatorade every day for 30 days. This will replenish my electrolytes. Sea salt is also recommended since in regular table salt, there are 2 minerals; sodium and (?) where as sea salt has 80 minerals! A hint was given to me. When I feel a lack of energy, to take 1/2 cup of water with a pinch of sea salt, within 10 min. I will feel re-energized. "It's better than a cup of coffee!" He also suggested that I still take every test that the doctors will send me to and to be ready for many of them. If they do find something concrete, I am to call him to let him know. I need to see him in 4 weeks to see how it's going. Time will tell. I am hoping that this is what was causing the Vagals although, I can't help but be overly thankful for them. I have gained an amazing relationship with my husband, new understanding of my body and probably prevented more serious damage, and I lost over 10 lbs(!!!!), and the list goes on. God IS good!
Now, I hope to be able to start running regularly again and feel capable of doing the tasks I used to do.
I hope that wasn't too confusing, for those who have been praying for me, thank you and don't quit on my now. ;)

OH! I almost forgot! I'm also pre-menopausing.... (you can't hear me but I'm cracked up laughing!) Oh the joy of growing old... and shorter. lol

1 comment:

Jennifer O. said...

Praying for you, chickadee... We haven't been real close friends, but I'd hate to lose you... I'm with you there on the pre-menopausal, btw... and please pray for me too... "unspoken prayer request"--- thx. (((hugs)))