I was reading in Proverbs, Exodus and Mark this morning. What really sent me on a thought tangent was Mark 6:34-53.
Imagine this...
You've been told that you've worked hard and deserve some rest. You and your best friends will be going on a short but relaxing trip. Some R'n'R for a job well done and more to come.
You are all ecstatic! A sigh of relief and you all start walking towards the ship, everything is ready for your departure. (Of course I have to use a cruise to keep things comparable...)
That's when it happens, everyone and their dog come down the road cheering and hollering at your guide (maybe that is your husband). He is moved with compassion. He can't bare to leave all those people needing him to help them out. To them, he is their Saviour but to you, he's your friend (maybe "just" your husband). What's the big deal? Maybe you could go without him. He looks at all of you and needs your help; he wants you to tag along.
Can you imagine that??? OUmph! I can!
It was the disciples who were being sent for some R'n'R by Jesus. He saw that they had worked hard and they were tired. Just then, as they were about to leave... in a boat... 5000 men plus women and children come around the bend, if you will. They wanted to see and hear Jesus speak to them. They needed encouragement and to be ministered to.
Now I'm fleshly, I'd be thinking something like, "I know they've probably walked days to see you and are needing ministering to but, what about us? We've been working for you, doing our best to cast out evil spirits, we've walked for days too!!!! Ahhh come on?! Can't you meet us there? ... MAN!" If you find that sounds a lot like what I would say, it's because I've been practicing...LOL.
Anyways, time goes on, the people then get hungry. I can just see the disciples faces when Jesus asks for them to feed the people. Ha ha ha.... It would be that, "You've got to be kidding, right?!" look. They must of thought He was insane. Picture it, about 15 000 people to feed. A little boy appears and offers his lunch, five loaves (not our size loaves either) and two fish. Ahhhh... isn't that cute. Peter probably patted him on the head three times and winked at him. Jesus says, Great! Thanks! That will do. Ha ha ha.... Again, imagine the thoughts going through the disciples. "Man! We thought WE were tired."
Well, there was enough food for all the people and there were twelve baskets full of leftovers.
You would think that this would shake them up a bit or blow them away. They actually get to see this all happen yet they are unmoved. How do I know? This is what happens next.
Jesus tells them that they can now go for their R'n'R, straightway (right away) they split, Jesus didn't have to twist their arm.
It's the night, so, they leave via boat and Jesus heads out to the mountain to pray. While He's there, He sees the disciples struggling against the wind storm that is going on. (Talk about going from bad to worst, I think I'd be in a really bad mood by now.)
Jesus has compassion on them and heads down there. He casually walks in their direction and they are "freaking out!". They are yelling because they don't KNOW that it's Jesus. He walks over there and gets in the boat. Once in the boat, the winds stop its fuss. ... ... ... ... It went from absolute chaos and fright to calmness and awestruck.
The bible says that, "they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered."
It's hard to imagine that they would not be saying to themselves, "Well I suppose He can calm the storm since He DID just feed about 15,000 people with 5 little loaves of bread and 2 fish..."
The next verse says that they didn't think about the miracle of the loaves because their heart was hardened.
Sometimes, our heart is hardened towards our family. They are "just" our family. Sometimes our heart is hardened toward people who need to be encouraged or ministered to and yet most of the time, our heart is hardened toward God. We forget what God has done in our life and what He still can do.
I have found that once I realize that my heart is hardened toward God, I need to go back to the day that He saved my soul. Like King David of the old testament said in Psalm 55, "Restore the joy of my salvation". We forget the miracle He's done in our life, so our hearts are hardened to not be able to see the power our God has.
Think back on the moment you recognised that you were not perfect; a sinner and you had no hope of going to heaven. Because of this truth, you called out to God and acknowledge to Him that He alone is God and sent His Son to die on the cross for you. Remember that day? What a miracle that was! He reached down to you and you looked up, ... reached your hand out to Him. He forgave you your sins, brushed you off from the filth of this world, hugged you and made you His child. Since then, you've walked together, side by side. He's loved you, encouraged you, taught you things about life and probably, many times, picked you up from falling; messing up.
Maybe today, you're sitting in the middle of a storm, thinking all is lost, it's no use, maybe you're thinking of throwing in the towel. Don't!!! Just wait upon the Lord, He's right there watching you and waiting for you to recognise that you need Him.
Once the disciples KNEW Him, I mean REALLY KNEW who Jesus was, they were on the other shore. They ran all over the place bringing the sick to Jesus. They wanted to see over and over again the power Jesus had and the restoration he brought to people's lives.
I don,t always have the excitement. I sure do want to REALLY know Jesus so I can help others to have their own salvation.
Although funny at times, the Word of God is real and brings such comfort, encouragement and direction. I thank God for it.
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