Monday, May 10, 2010

Much too funny to pass up!

As you most likely know, our third child, Jacob, was born missing his right leg, hip and the right side of his pelvis. The photo is of his artificial leg but he had just broken it; twisting it at the knee. In other words, it would be like your hip facing west and your knee and toes facing east. His socket, the part that holds the leg to his body, is not there because he tore his artificial leg off of his socket.
He's now 7 years old and sometimes he comes out with the funniest or the most surprising comments about himself. One day, we were at the doctor's office for my blood work results and for my shoulder pain. The doctor brought in "Oscar" which is a funny name because "Os" in french means bone and the sound of "Car" in french sounds the same as the french word "corps" which means body...LOL funny eh? Anyway... The doctor brought it in and right away Jacob says, "Hey! I'm missing this one, this one and these ones, but I have an extra one of these!" (that being the rib bone) The doctor was taken back by the amount of information he knew about his "deficiency" and the seemingly peaceful acceptance with it. I laughed inside because it was just not a typical conversation for a 7 year old boy with his doctor.
Today was very similar. In his English, he had a passage he needed to read and it was about the bones in our body. It said that we have 206 bones in our body. Jacob said, "I have 207 bones in my body." I asked why he said that and he responded that he had an extra rib so that would make 207 bones. I then said, "Well, you are also missing the bones of one leg and a foot so you would have to subtract that from 207." This is not your typical conversation, don't you think? LOL We went online to find out how many bones were in the foot and how many in the leg; 26 in the foot and 4 in the leg. When we subtracted 30 from 207, it gave us 177 bones that Jacob has in his body. He thought that was ok. Then he says, with a perturbed voice "HEY! That means I have less bones than you guys!" I couldn't help but bite my lip and say "DUH! You only have one leg, of course you have less bones than us!" LOL I laughed so hard when he said, "Oh yeah.... I forgot.... " Kids say the most amazing things.

1 comment:

Jen O said...

No matter what, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made! I love how with homeschooling we can run with a topic and learn things in a way that makes them meaningful.