This morning was one like no other. It started at 5:34am when the Lord allowed the cats to wake me up by chasing each other across my bed, pouncing over my husband and me. I saw the time, so got up, grabbed my running clothes and went downstairs to get ready for my run. I filled the dog and cats bowls with water and food, turned the computer on to see the temperature, got dressed, put on my running shoes, my jacket and mp3 player and was off. I felt as though I was leaving a few minutes earlier than normally yet the cars I would see towards the end of my run were passing at the beginning of my run... hmmm that was strange. An oncoming car pulled over not too far from me, in the wooded area of my run. They stopped, turned their headlights off, on, off and on again. I was ready to turn around when they started up again and passed me. I kept running until I got to the 2.5km mark then headed back home. I was almost home when a little red car stopped. The man driving the car rolled down his window. I kept running at a slower pace and took my headphones out. He began to say in English then saw that he knew me so continued in French, "Hi! You'll want to be careful because we just saw a big black bear crossing the road behind you." He pointed towards the direction we both came from. I was surprised but not alarmed, which might of made him nervous. He said a second time to be really careful when I go running because it was a big black bear that crossed just after I passed. Since I started running in the fall, I prayed that God would protect me and He has shown himself faithful. I came home and told my husband that, "God must not be finished with me because He just protected me from a bear." So today, although the devil is on my heals it seems, I will praise God for allowing me to know that once more He protected me. That's why, I feel like David minus the battle.
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