I am not a person of routine although, I am a person who likes stability and predictability but if you were to describe me, you would have to say, I like moving forward.
It seems that every year or two, the Lord teaches me things in "themes". I know it sounds weird. "Our", the Lord and my, year's end is not necessarily on Dec. 31st and is not exactly 365 days or double that but, it seems, if I look back on the saved part of my life, there are dispensations if you will; very deliberate "chapters" in my life.
I remember specifically learning to a deeper level, His mercy for me. It was a life chapter that was humbling, not necessarily public but I constantly found myself on my knees, face to the floor in humbleness to the Lord; in awe that He would take the time to save a wretched person like me. That "season" or "chapter" is part of the backbone of my faith and walk with Christ Jesus.
Another is, just before Jacob was conceived, I knew the Holy Spirit was telling me that a new chapter in my life was to begin. I thought it was something completely different but a new chapter it was!! It was about "just trust God, stand still and let God move".
I believe the Lord is getting me ready for another new chapter; the next step in my walk with Him. I don't know what it entails but I believe it will be a very trying one. (Like silver, I have a lot of dross to get rid of until I can reflect Jesus better.)
Like other "chapters" had "titles", what is on my heart and is very heavy is having a deeper heartache for lost souls. Just in writing that brings a "gulp" in my throat. In all honesty, I've always had a burden for lost souls but not enough.
I believe this year will be one of learning to balance my life as a wife, mom, teacher and woman in church ministry then adding soul winner.
This is not an admirable thing of me to do. We should all be soul winners, but we learn things in different stages of our life; however, it is the great commission for us to go and tell people about God's love for the world. Sending His Son to die a torturous death for us on a hateful cross, to offer us the gift of salvation. We are to bring people to Christ and help them grow in HIM so they can go and do the same.
I am so inadequate to do this and I'm not sure where to start when it comes to balancing my life to allow me more time to witness, but I know it is God's will that we come to this point and He will give me the strength and knowledge I need.
I pray that you will have a blessed time with friends and family, that your new year will be one that shows growth and a drawing closer to Christ especially.
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