Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Day Full of...

Today is and will be a day different than others. Why?
1st Today is the first day, since my third child, that I went jogging, not walk/jog. YA! I warmed up with a 5 min. brisk walk then, I jogged, and jogged and jogged. I decided that I would just keep going until I needed to stop. I was able to jog until the last two minutes, which I walked to cool down.
When I woke up this morning, I was so tired, I didn't want to go walking at all. My body was lazy and I had a hard time to snap into it, but I knew I would feel better after so I went into the VERY cool air and started walkin'.
2nd After my devotions and shower, I was drying my hair and notice something sparklling. Yup... it's another grey hair... I'm not sure how I feel about it. Mind you, this might be the 3rd grey hair I find; nothing major. lol I find it somewhat funny because, I remember what I thought of people who were 38... "she's old!!!". I don't feel old. Actually, I feel like I'm still a young adult, 22 or 23 years old. I'm sort of in shock, realizing that life is not going backward but forward and that we don't live forever. We know this in our mind but sometimes it's as if we are in denial.
Concerning my grey hair, I'm not sure if I should start covering it; dying it or just let it all go grey. I can't picture my self in grey hair...LOL. Some people actually look better in salt pepper color hair. As for me... hmmmm not sure.
3rd Yesterday, we went to the Moncton SPCA to see their dogs. The people there are amazing! It was a wonderful experience thus far. We went back and forth from one dog to another, trying to see what dog would be the "right one". We spent time with two dogs, one named Cody who we found out is very dominant and has an obedience problem like climbing on the cupboards... ya... that's what I said. Then we spent time with Lexi who is a black part lab/boxer. She is beautiful and a very good dog. She did try to be dominant by jumping on Samuel and I and do what seemed like a dance. I found this strange and asked the worker there why she did that and she was the one who explained to me that Lexi was trying to dominate us and that we needed to be firm and pull on her collar to the side while saying "NO!". "She will quickly learn that you are the ones in control." She only did it 3 times, the third time she came down right away.
There is one problem with Lexi, she sees cats as prey and should not be around them. hmmmm... that's a problem since we have a cat and she's timid already. Today we plan to go to the SPCA again to spend time with Lexi again and see if we can spend time with Bessy who is also a fixed Female. She is a black lab mix, I don't remember with what. She is better with cats and she's younger so perhaps she would be a better match.
4th During my devotions, the Lord showed me something I never noticed before. In Proverbs 9, we start with "wisdom buildeth her house", a woman who is wise and she shows it by how she prepares her day ahead of time, she cares for her family, reaches out to others to teach them and draw them to understanding. I've read through this proverbs many times and remember reading about the foolish woman who does nothing and is lazy. What drew my attention, that I had not noticed in detail before, was that in the same proverbs, we begin with the wise woman and we end with the foolish woman who both call out to the simple. One difference is in the obvious, one is wise and the other foolish but, the perhaps not so apparent, is that as they both call out to the simple, the people react differently. It is not said exactly how the people reacted toward the wise woman but, God takes the time to specify that, the foolish woman is ignored by the people; Proverbs 9:15, "To call passengers who go right on their ways". That was, for the first time, very obvious to me, the differences not only in the women but in how the people reacted to them. Food for thought. So, "A Day Full Of lessons to be learnt and new accomplishements".

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