Yesterday, I spent time tilling my flower garden. The ground was amazingly hard considering we had had quite a bit of rain thus far. I used a tool called the "CLAW" the bottom part is the part that goes in the ground and looks like a few "W"s, a claw. Then there is a broom like handle with what looks like handle bars from a bicycle on top. (Sounds like some of the descriptions from the book of Ezekiel eh? lol) I had to step onto the claw part of the tool and pushed down so I could actually get the claws into the ground. Then I had to really work hard at twisting the "CLAW" to actually break the fallow ground. Why was I doing that? For three most important reasons: to loosen up the earth, allowing me to take out the weeds WITH the roots, to allow the rain to penetrate the ground easily and nourish the plants and third, so that the plant can also easily receive the nutrients/vitamins of the sun which could better travel through loosened ground. Here's the comparison. We, like the plant, can't grow spiritually without the ground of our heart be rained upon and tilled.
Let me give you one of many examples that God used in my life to till the ground of my heart and you'll better be able to see the purpose in it. It's the morning after I had the ultrasound for our third baby, Jacob. My doctor just finished telling me that our baby was a boy but there were complications. They could only see one kidney but if it was healthy, he could live a healthy life. Then came the heart dropping news. The baby only had one half of his pelvis, no right hip and no right leg. I was shocked! Things like this only happen to other people. How could this be? My world came crashing down. I was devastated. I didn't understand that God wanted to draw me closer to Him but for that to happen, the ground of my heart needed to be tilled; broken and loosened up. The doctor left me alone in the room to make a call to the children's hospital in Halifax. He wanted a more thorough ultra sound to see if there were any other "problems". While he was gone, I paced the floor sobbing. I was crying out to God in confusion; wondering why and how. Where was He in all this? What was going to happen next? I called unto God in need of help, comfort and direction. I heard Him speak to my heart, "I want to take you on a journey. Will you go?" I told Him, "If you walk with me, I'll go anywhere!" The doctor came in with the time and date I needed to be in Halifax and asked me the next question, "Since you are only 18 weeks, it is not too late. If you want, you can still abort the baby." I said no obviously. It was not for me to choose the "destiny" of this child. I was willing to allow God to till the ground of my heart, no matter how hard it would get because I knew that He would never leave me nor forsake me. For the past almost 8 years, God has helped me grow and experience life in a way I never imagine possible. I met amazing, and wonderful people that I would of never met otherwise. God had to till the ground of my heart in many other ways but, when I humbled myself and allowed Him to do it, trusting He had my best interest at heart, I always received blessings abundantly. He continues to bless me everyday, mostly with just having Him by my side.
I don't know what is happening in your life, but if you feel like the inside of you chest is being ripped out, that your life is out of your control and that you world seems upside down, maybe the Lord is trying to break that fallow (hard) ground of your heart and draw you closer to Him. Let Him, you'll never be sorry for it.
Let me give you one of many examples that God used in my life to till the ground of my heart and you'll better be able to see the purpose in it. It's the morning after I had the ultrasound for our third baby, Jacob. My doctor just finished telling me that our baby was a boy but there were complications. They could only see one kidney but if it was healthy, he could live a healthy life. Then came the heart dropping news. The baby only had one half of his pelvis, no right hip and no right leg. I was shocked! Things like this only happen to other people. How could this be? My world came crashing down. I was devastated. I didn't understand that God wanted to draw me closer to Him but for that to happen, the ground of my heart needed to be tilled; broken and loosened up. The doctor left me alone in the room to make a call to the children's hospital in Halifax. He wanted a more thorough ultra sound to see if there were any other "problems". While he was gone, I paced the floor sobbing. I was crying out to God in confusion; wondering why and how. Where was He in all this? What was going to happen next? I called unto God in need of help, comfort and direction. I heard Him speak to my heart, "I want to take you on a journey. Will you go?" I told Him, "If you walk with me, I'll go anywhere!" The doctor came in with the time and date I needed to be in Halifax and asked me the next question, "Since you are only 18 weeks, it is not too late. If you want, you can still abort the baby." I said no obviously. It was not for me to choose the "destiny" of this child. I was willing to allow God to till the ground of my heart, no matter how hard it would get because I knew that He would never leave me nor forsake me. For the past almost 8 years, God has helped me grow and experience life in a way I never imagine possible. I met amazing, and wonderful people that I would of never met otherwise. God had to till the ground of my heart in many other ways but, when I humbled myself and allowed Him to do it, trusting He had my best interest at heart, I always received blessings abundantly. He continues to bless me everyday, mostly with just having Him by my side.
I don't know what is happening in your life, but if you feel like the inside of you chest is being ripped out, that your life is out of your control and that you world seems upside down, maybe the Lord is trying to break that fallow (hard) ground of your heart and draw you closer to Him. Let Him, you'll never be sorry for it.
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