When people ask what my "life verse" is, I have such a difficult time to choose but one. I would have to say, one scripture that covers all those that continually change me. It would have to be Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
It is so true, when you read God's word, it will pierce your heart like a sword and bring to want to make change in your life.
As I read Ezekiel 37, the Lord showed me wonderful things. I noted them down and will share them with you. I would suggest that you take the time to read it either before or after and allow the Lord to minister His truth to you.
Vs.1 Sometimes, the Lord just picks you up from where you are in life and plumps you into the valley. Sometimes, it's not a gradual walk from the mountain top, sometimes it's just when you least expect it.
Vs. 2 We want to avoid the scary and intimidating things in life but we need to allow God to pass us through it.
Vs. 3 God will sometimes ask us if we think "these bones" in the valley (the trial in our life) can be changed. Some and in maybe most cases, as our faith gets stronger, we would say, "Yes" but bones????? Really now! Isn't there certain things that even God cant reverse? In our life too.
Vs. 4 Use scripture while in your trial. God wants to show Himself strong, powerful and worthy to us.
As we see God working and creating His miracle, it might be scary but continue on.
Vs. 7 "bone to his bone" God creates things and puts things in order. We can rest in that. Knowing that God will not leave us in a mess, in time, builds our faith.
Vs. 11 & 12 God uses our valleys to tell others what God has done for us, to encourage, to build up and to give hope to those who's faith is weaker or tired.
As you read the specific verses and then the notes that the Lord laid on my heart, you will understand why I found such encouragement in this chapter. I have been in the valley many times since accepting Christ as my Saviour and only way to heaven. I have experienced the truth of everything He laid on my heart while I read this chapter but to see it written in His word and have Him confirm it in my heart reminded me that next time, while in the valley, I can rest in his plan and allow Him the opportunity to do the work that is necessary in my life and use me and my life for His glory.
Hope it was an encouragement to you; for I know of some who are going through some very deep valleys.
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