It has been so busy since my grandmother passed away. I had 4 funerals to go to, including my grandmother's, a wedding, started school and training our new 10 month old puppy. All the training is not all up to me but since I'm with him all day, I do the longer run let's say. :/ He and the cat are not quite getting along, hence the expression "fighting like cats and dogs". lol like raising four kids was not enough... lol I must say, he is really cute and is getting more and more obedient. Keeping him out of the kitchen and dinning room are the hardest thing. I've also been teaching my kids that they can't expect to play rough with him and not get jumped on or bite them in play.
I have so much to say but two specific things are of upmost importance.
Where is heaven, and careful of people who try to confuse you.
I realize that I have family members who read this and I mean not to make anyone angry but I can not allow someone to flat out lie to people and stand by without saying anything about it.
At my grandmother's funeral, the priest said, in French, "If you were to ask me where heaven is; whether it is that way (to the right), that way (to the left), up or down, I would have to tell you that it is in your heart, so Maclina is really not further from you rather, she is closer because she is in your heart."
Needless to say, this statement perturbed me greatly!
God is VERY clear as to where heaven is and anyone who takes time to read the bible will know for sure where heaven is and it is NOT in your heart. I will simply give you scripture so you can see for yourself.
- If heaven is in our heart, why does Jeremiah 17:9 say, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?"
- Look up, wayyyyy up! That's where heaven is. Psalm 103:11 "For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him."
- Isaiah 66:1 and Acts 7:49 "Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool"
- Jeremiah 31:37 "If heaven above.."
Heaven is NOT in our hearts. There are so many more scriptures that continue to show us where heaven is but I think you get the picture. Clearly there is a heaven therefore a hell and those who have rejected Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, will be held accountable. Some people will be going to heaven and some to hell. God does not decide, you do. What have you done with his Son?
The second thing I need to mention is careful to those who are confuse and have not problem in confusing others. It's the blind leading the blind.
What am I referring to? Well, funerals that start with "Mr. or Mrs. So and So is surely in heaven since they became a child of God when they were baptised as an infant.... (later in the funeral service) Lord! Please receive Mr. or Mrs. So and So by your side. (then later again, during the responsive prayers for those who are already dead) Lord we pray for those who have already gone, that they would be received with you in paradise."
Are they or are they not in heaven? Make up your mind!
Being baptised as an infant does not make you a child of God, that's why they sens the need to continue praying for that person but... once they are dead, it is too late to make that decision. What decision? To recognize that they are a sinner and that the payment for sin is death, a spiritual death (hell) but that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross and went to hell for us and rose from the dead. If you believe that sincerely in your HEART and acknowledge that Jesus is God and that has the right to judge us since we are sinners, accept his payment for your sin when He died on the cross and ask for forgiveness of your sins, He will make you God's child.
- John 1:12 " Bur as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
Bottom line, don't let people confuse you or lead you astray by their lengthy sermons and big words.
Keep reading the word (the bible); keep confident.
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