I had bought a book called "Wisdom and the Millers", it was a story that the parents would read or tell their Miller children while using a proverbs verse to relate it to life.
I can't remember the verse Mr. Miller used, nor the exact details of the story but I will try to tell you it as I remember it.
A young boy was walking home from school and knew he was being followed by school boys who liked to pick on him. They called him names, yelled nasty things to him, but he kept walking.
They finally caught up to him and circled around him, this too, didn't intimidate him, so they finally let him be until... the next day after school.
Everything happened quite the same except this time they decided to throw rocks at him from the field, next to the dirt road where the young boy was. They hit him but did not avail to scare him or get him angry.
Again, they circled him but this time, one of the boys spat in the young boy's face. This provoked him to the point of rage. He swung his fists to retaliate but soon was found out by a neighbour who broke up the fight. Every boy was punished by their parents but somehow the bullies felt they had the victory because they were able to break down the young boy's walls.
It reminds me of a scripture in Proverbs 25:28, "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
I can hear your wheels turning. "What does this have to do with renovations?"
You must not of had the opportunity to experience major renovations, if you ask this question. I would of 5 weeks ago. ;)
This morning, as I sat on my bed, in the R.V., I read my bible. It was so hard to focus on God's word with the kids bickering just a few feet away. (everything is just a few feet away in an RV. lol)
They know not to interrupt me while I spend time with the Lord, but they had been provoked, usually by the same person, then in turn, it provoked me.
I tried so hard to not fall into the trap but I was tired, had not eaten yet and the kids were excited (hyper) about the snow that had fallen. All these things together, created the perfect atmosphere so I might be provoked.
We have no rule over our own spirit if we don't equip it with time in God's word, in prayer, rest and good physical food. Without those basic things, we can be caught by surprise, off guard; and walls broken down. This will not be a victorious moment for us.
I thank God this is only temporary... (Right Lord? It is....right?) (I learned to never say never hee, hee (nervous laugh)) In times like these, I'm realllllllllly humble.
Anyway, this weekend was a HUGE encouragement! "We" got a lot done. (You'll notice that "I", in the "we", is not in the pictures...that's because I am not "We".)
The men got a lot done. Check out our progress in our album.
Keep guarded.
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