I know it's supposed to be "potato" but they don't make potato boxes like they used to...LOL
For those who are confused, banana boxes are THE BEST boxes to move. They are the perfect size, they are very sturdy and they even have handles so they're easy to carry.
Superstore won't give them out anymore but Sobey's does.
Things have been moving here! My... ooops... our.... kitchen is almost all packed. I simply left a few, cups, mugs, plates, bowls, Tupperware etc so we can function. Everything else is packed. I even left 3 coffee filters in the cupboard so I could pack the rest and have THAT special box which we will have our coffee maker, coffee grinds, filters etc. All we need to start off our mornings; vitamins etc. (Can't forget those!)
Yesterday they found the well!... I still find that funny. They shocked the well yesterday so our real estate agent went to get some water so it can be tested again. Pray that it does. They will also be cleaning out the septic tomorrow or Wednesday. It looks very good for a closing on Friday.
Today I spent a lot of time on the telephone. I had to call Rogers so they could transfer our services, come to find out, we will be too far out; they don't service that area. lol City girl thinks that's funny. LOL
I called Aliant/Bell and opened our account from a few years ago and we'll be far out enough, they had to change our 15 year old, super easy phone number. (awwwwww) ;)
Then I made the arrangements with the power company, actually, my husband did since his name was on the account but he changed that so I could take care of that stuff too, while he's at work. I talked to the lawyer 2 or three times, emailed the mortgage broker quite a few times with our renovation quotes etc.
At 11:00am, we finally started class. We got everything done that was important, then we did some running around town. I finally started doing some packing when a Jehovah's Witness came to the door... , did a couple of wash, all this while supper was cooking in the oven but yet somehow, I undercooked it. What a day!
When I saw how badly undercooked our roast, potatoes and carrots were, I got discouraged. I felt so defeated, then I remembered what pastor preached last Wednesday. "Don't Panic!" He taught us to stop and evaluate the situation. I was going to put the roast back in the oven but what would we have for supper? "Moe will be home soon, the kids were supposed to be grounded and go to bed early, what am I going to do?" I was starting to panic. I'm convinced the Holy Spirit reminded me to not panic and to assess the situation. I then realized I could just slice the roast and fry it in the frying pan. It was still really good, plus you had crispy spots too. YUMM! The potatoes were still a bit hard, the carrots quite rubbery lol but nothing like "Roasted Garlic and Bacon Dressing" can't take care of. :)
Although I still an attitude to adjust, God gave us a good supper.
I so don't deserve Him. It's sad. I've been thinking of that Jehovah Witness woman who came to my door today. When I told her that some day I'd be in Heaven with Jesus, she lowered her head and said well, I wish that someday I could be in heaven. There was no way I could help her understand who God was and the gift of salvation. She was convinced by her 30 years of studies and I couldn't sway her at all. It saddened me to think that one day, people will spiritually wake up and see where they are going, some won't be in heaven. I have so much to look forward to when I go. I'm not getting to go because of my own merits but because of Jesus' righteousness and my faith to accept His gift of salvation.
One day, I'll be moving to a better place, one I don't have to pack for. I'll be headed for a place where the "Son" always shines, we can eat as much as we want and not get fat! lol What a wonderful day that will be! I can't wait for my final move. The one where I'll be finally home, for good.
Keep watching.
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