Yikes! Did I step on someone's toe????
It just struck me funny, that in chapter 11 of Luke, the very God who not only gave life to the priests, pharisees, scribes etc, and He was The one who create and gave them their "office". He saw these people of that office (standing/authority) and the same of many generations past, killing the prophets that He sent to guide them and speak wisdom to them, and yet they stood before Him boastful and arrogant, trying to trip Him up in His words.
Imagine this. He is all knowing! He stood before them, knowing their thoughts now and many generations ago. The history of their hypocrisy, pride and godlessness. Knowing that He will be soon a volunteer to their acts of violence and cruelty. It must of angered Him. God allowed them their standing and authority among their people and they abused it, thinking they were hiding their motives from the Son of God Himself.
When we look at our kids and they get sossy with us, prideful and arrogant, does it not boil up inside of us? We can quickly get angry at them but how much more merciful was and is God.
Reading Luke 11:37-54, at first I can hear the frustration in His voice but as I continued to listen to Him give the historical accounts of the prophets, I could hear the pain in His heart for those who loved, served and obeyed Him, yet who were killed by those who were sinning wickedly but that God was trying to reach out to because of His love for them. (not their sin)
Can you see this?
God over top, watching those who love Him desiring to serve Him so they risk and some loose their life by reaching out to those whom God is trying to gain back to Him.
God gave me an "office", a responsibility for young children whom He has lent me for a season and those of others while in Sunday School and by example of my life. I know that in my everyday tasks, although I have not killed anyone... yet... LOL (just kidding), I get swelled up with pride.
God is over top, watching me, who has been given an office over "our" children. Do I have the same compassion for them as they learn or even disobey, as God has with me? Does my heart feel the pain of the consequence of their unwise decisions? Does my heart desire to reach out to them even in their moments of frustration or rebellion? I can be so filled with pride at times, that compassion is far from me.
Oh how I want to have compassion for the loss and the wicked, even if it meant my life, but am I willing or just too proud?
Let's keep searching to be like HIM.
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